The Final Semester: Goals

January 18, 2021

Last week, I shared with you what courses I’m taking and a peek into what my studies will look like for my final semester of college. Yes, I’m onto semester eight! Thus, naturally, it’s time for semester goals. It’s the final semester. Let’s make it happen.

Semester Goals

Get. It. Done.

The ultimate goal of the semester is to get it done. What’s ‘it’? Whatever I have to do. If I have free time, I’m going to be doing my best to create content, rest, and get ahead on schoolwork so I’m not too stressed. I want to be realistic about it, but I also don’t want to get to a point where I feel stressed and have to stay up – if I can help it. This applies to any point in the semester, from the first class to the time the last final is submitted.

Follow Routines

I love, and I mean love the routines I had in the fall. My morning routine and my night routine gave me time outside, gentle exercise, the ability to slow down and unwind in the evening, kept me from wanting to start working on anything after dinner, and I had the best sleep I’ve had in years.

I don’t know if my routines will look exactly the same, but I know that if I stick to them, I’ll not only feel good, but I’ll enjoy my work a lot more. And yes, I follow these routines every day, regardless of if it was the weekend or class was canceled. The only things that would throw off my routines were migraines and injuries!

Not Be Too Hard on Myself

Because I like to have a plan. And while I have a rough plan, it’s not going to grad school or starting a 9-5 the Monday after graduation. I have friends who had signed with their firms back in October. Was that my plan? No. But I want to get in front of any potential existential crises now because I want to enjoy myself the best I can this semester. I love learning and I want to make the most of the end of my formal education, at least for the time being. Do I feel ready to have a degree? Absolutely not. But I’m going to try not to be too concerned about that.

Write More Letters

This is more of a life goal but in general, I don’t send as much mail during the semester. I love sending letters and birthday cards (they’re so much better than just a text and I will stand by that statement).

Bring Back Fun Friday Adventures

Last fall, I didn’t have classes on Fridays, so for the first eight-ish weeks of class, I would do something fun on Friday to celebrate the week being over. Hence, the former name “Fun Fall Friday Adventures,” which will now just be Fun Friday Adventures. Or, maybe we’ll cut the “Adventures” part and just have Fun Fridays. The idea behind these in the fall was that I got to do things I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do had I not been home. I did some socially distanced photoshoots with friends, went berry picking at the crack of dawn by myself, did some socially distanced apple picking later in the season, and made little care packages for friends and delivered them, to name a few.

I think Friday will again be my “Fun” day this semester. When the temperatures get a bit better, I’m sure I’ll go on a couple of adventures, but in the meantime even if I do some work on Friday, I want to make sure I’m still doing something just for fun.

To see what I’m up to more day to day, make sure you’re following me on Instagram!

Keep it Organized

Last semester, I learned that my organization methods only make sense to me. Or in other words, my parents weren’t big fans. I believe some household members said they found it stress-inducing. So while I found it to be a great system, I was also working at the dining room table and keeping my stuff on the floor next to me, on the table and chair next to me, and on our buffet.

I know that I’m going to have to change some things. We have a small closet in the dining room that I’m hoping to clear some space in for my things so they’re still nearby. The Wi-Fi just isn’t strong enough in my bedroom for me to be in class at my desk! This semester, I hope to keep it organized, in a way that works for both myself and everyone else in the family.

Listen to My Body – Even More than Usual

Doing remote work made a lot of things a lot more manageable, and don’t get me started on how nice it was to not have to be under fluorescent lights that gave me migraines everyday. I also learned in the fall that there are other ways that I am impacted by remote work and I need to be aware of them to keep myself from flaring, if I can help it.

I’m starting this semester exactly one month and one day post-heart procedure. Recovery has been anything but easy, and the decision to do this semester was not an easy one either. I’m still not quite there yet in terms of recovery, I know it’s going to take a while, but for a variety of reasons I’ve decided that I’m not going to take this semester off. Because of that, I need to make sure that I’m taking extra time to rest right now. That I’m extra conscious of how I feel. That I stay on top of my routines and make sure that now more than ever, I do everything I need to take care of myself.

If I couldn’t do this semester online, I know it wouldn’t be happening. And that alone tells me that I need to be hyperaware of how I’m doing if I’m going to make this happen.

I don’t have any numerical content-related goals this semester.

Maybe that means something, but there is no number of posts I want to share, no milestones I’m going to be trying to hit… It doesn’t mean that I won’t be creating content, I already said I will be! But, I know what I want from my content. I want to focus on documenting this semester and continuing to share what I’ve learned and my experiences with you. You, the person reading this who is already here. There is no number that feels right for that. I can’t measure it. I guess the best way to put it would be to say I want to show up for you this semester.

This isn’t going to be the end of college content on Patience and Pajamas, but I want the final semester to be a strong one nonetheless.

And that closes out my final semester goals.

For now. It’s wild to look back and think about how these have evolved. If you’re starting a new semester, or started recently, share some of your goals in the comments below! I’d love to see what you’re working on.

Click here to read previous semester goals posts!

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