4 Things to Do the First Month of Classes to Prepare You for Finals

July 1, 2020

Hi friends! Welcome (or welcome back) to Patience and Pajamas! Today I’m sharing the four things I do at the start of every semester to help prepare me for final exams. With six semesters under my belt (and four online summer courses), I can say for certain that these four things make a big difference in preparing you for finals! These are great habits to start your very first semester of college, to put you on the track to success. Ready? Here are four things to do in the first month of classes to prepare you for finals in college. Let’s go!

Print out your syllabus for every class…

And have it on hand from day one.

Some professors hand out the syllabus in your first class, some expect you to bring it. I once had a professor who said that he would only answer questions about the course and the final exam from those who came prepared to class with their syllabus on the first day. Asking questions on the first day is crucial to making sure a class is right for you!

Your syllabus is your roadmap to the semester and will tell you exactly what you need to do to find success. There will likely be an entire section about exams, specifically with information for your final. This is so important to be aware of! But also, at the end of the day, knowing what is expected of you throughout the semester is one of the best ways to prepare for finals!

Look up when your final exams are for each class and put them in your planner right away!

I love my Simplified Daily planner because I can go in and write not only on the monthly spread when my exams are, but I can put it in the daily spread as well! That time frame is blocked off for the semester from the get-go. I know when I’ll be finished, I can start making plans to go home, and take care of any potential exam conflicts before they become a problem.

If you want to read about how I use my Simplified Planner in college, click here!

Talk to your professors about the final exam.

Some things to ask?

  • How do you format final exams?
  • Are your final exams cumulative?
  • Do you have any recommended study techniques for your exams?

Whatever they tell you, write it down! This is incredibly valuable information. Some professors may even tell you that they don’t plan on having a final exam, that it won’t be on the same day that your university assigned, or you’ll be having a project/presentations/paper as a substitute for (or in addition to) a final exam. These are all really important things to know before you get too far into the semester! While some professors will tell you this in the first class, for others you’ll need to go seeking this information. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Speaking of going to see your professor…

Go to your professor’s office hours.

Even if you’re having an easy time in the class and they answer any questions you may have in the first week, I still recommend going to their office hours at some point in the first month of the semester.

Yes, even if you don’t need help. Dropping by to introduce yourself, chat about something relevant to the class or related to your professor’s field, or to simply ask a general question will help you to build a relationship with your professor. They may even tell you a thing or two about upcoming exams!

There you have it! Four actionable steps to take to help prepare you for finals in the first month of classes.

I hope this helps you start out your semester on the right foot and begin prepping for finals! The sooner you start preparing, the easier it will be. Good luck!

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